Final Exam Make me feel uneasy


Urgghhaaahh.... seeems like i need to throw all stupid things in my mind. Cause why? Cause of you my dear final exam. You make me uneasy. I think you make my time short and seems like I have to bring my books here and there.

This semester is my lucky sem because my mother give me a chance to drop my killer subject [ FAR360, MAF330 and Audit]. Seriously guys, I cannot take all subject, I mean 7 subject to carry. Uh my! If you can, you are the great, but not me. So, dont judge me and ask me the reason.

I remembered one of my lecturers said to me :

"Shima, you don't need to worry if you cannot grade on time. Just think about your cgpa. No wonder how long you wil be there, as long as you can achieve high performance. Thats what outsider will look."

See? InsyaAllah I'll grade this end of year, with flying colour! InsyaAllah. So, now I need to focus on my 2nd last final exam. Then semester break for almost 2 month! Woohoo! Cannot wait that moment. And after that, I'll need to come back here, my Uitm Machang to pursue my last semester in diploma. I hope you guys will always with me, hear my feeling and do support me. 

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